LO Media uses Anygraaf’s systems for publishing 16 own and two external publications (Musikkultur and Fagbladet) – and in addition to these also six web sites, also for mobile devices.

LO Media earlier produced its publications without any editorial system. Due to requirements set by increasing and faster web publishing, LO Media needed an integrated system for all its needs.

– It’s been very important for us to gather as many functions as possible in one system. We need to use our resources for producing content of good quality, not for managing technical solutions. We chose Anygraaf, as they offered the complete solution that was also easily adapted for our hopes and needs. The next step will be developing new digital products, says Steinar Grønbekk , editor and product manager at LO Media.

LO Media is Norway’s biggest publisher for trade magazines. LO Media’s own publications have a circulation of 500 000 (approximately 6 000 pages). Circulations and pages of external magazines, Musikkultur and Fagbladet, add to the figures. The biggest publication of Neo project is Fagbladet that is published 11 times a year, with a circulation of 336 756 and the average number of pages being 64. LO-Aktuelt, cirulation 29 361, is published most frequently - 20 times a year.

For more information:

Stiftelsen LO Media, Steinar Grønbekk, editor/project manager, steinar.gronbekk [at] lomedia.no

Anygraaf Ab, Oscar Yngwe, managing director, oscar.yngwe [at] anygraaf.se, +46 761634233