Papers background community is very well known in Finland, this concentration of services called Tuurin kyläkauppa (Tuuri´s villageshop) is a popular tourist spot and attraction as well.

"We ended up to Anygraaf´s AProfit because of the simple reason that we wanted best system available in the market. Anygraaf´s impressive customer reference list also spoke on behalf AProfit. We wanted a system that maintaining, upgrading and development processes are going smoothly and reliably," CEO Kari Karvonen says.


AProfit ad system has been designed for complete management of ad business. It enables an efficient control of ad customers (CRM) and produces versatile reports that support the ad business.

More information

Tuurin Lehti Oy, CEO Kari Karvonen, kari.karvonen(at)

Anygraaf Oy, Marketing Manager Sanna Kovasiipi, sanna.kovasiipi(at)