Net­work­ing of or­ga­ni­za­tions, se­cure shar­ing of dig­i­tal con­tent, user rights, ver­sion con­trol, brands, elec­tron­ic trans­ac­tion re­quire­ments, EU leg­is­la­tion, stan­dards, norms, rec­om­men­da­tions, busi­ness strate­gies, gen­er­al de­vel­op­ment trends and life cy­cle man­age­ment of all dig­i­tal doc­u­ments bring chal­lenges to the man­age­ment of all dig­i­tal as­sets.

Any­graaf's eNeo­DAM is the so­lu­tion to this ever-in­creas­ing chal­lenge

With the brows­er-based eNeo­DAM, you main­tain the ma­te­r­i­al in a con­trolled, cor­rect for­mat and you can use it on­line, mo­bile, print and so­cial me­dia chan­nels quick­ly, eas­i­ly and any­where, re­gard­less of lo­ca­tion. This is how you make the ma­te­ri­als in­ter­est­ing and per­son­al­ized for dif­fer­ent tar­get groups.

eNeo­DAM is an ef­fec­tive way to store, store, search and share all dig­i­tal ma­te­r­i­al, such as im­ages, ad­ver­tis­ing ma­te­ri­als, meta and prod­uct in­for­ma­tion, doc­u­ments and video and au­dio files.

Any dig­i­tal ma­te­r­i­al can be stored in the sys­tem, as well as meta­da­ta and prod­uct in­for­ma­tion re­lat­ed to the ma­te­ri­als. The use of the ser­vice is not lim­it­ed by tech­nol­o­gy, de­vices or users' lo­ca­tion.

eNeo­DAM Im­age and me­dia bank is al­so a work tool that al­lows you to eas­i­ly share im­age files when your chan­nel is, for ex­am­ple, so­cial me­dia. If you wish, you can al­so in­te­grate the im­ages in­to oth­er sys­tems, for ex­am­ple your com­pa­ny's on­line store.

Ap­pli­ca­tion sys­tem

Ver­sa­tile and ef­fi­cient in­dex­ing and the search sys­tem bring the ma­te­ri­als you need to your use in an in­stant, whether the search cri­te­ria is meta­da­ta, file name, prod­uct in­for­ma­tion or, for ex­am­ple, im­age meta­da­ta. The search sys­tem knows the Finnish lan­guage from in­flec­tions to com­pound words. Pre­view im­ages are cre­at­ed au­to­mat­i­cal­ly from saved ma­te­ri­als, which helps brows­ing large amounts of files. The sys­tem al­so man­ages and dis­trib­utes col­lec­tions nat­u­ral­ly.

As part of the pub­lish­ing sys­tem

In ad­di­tion to the tra­di­tion­al in­de­pen­dent me­dia and im­age bank, eNeo­DAM can be seam­less­ly con­nect­ed to Neo's com­pre­hen­sive dig­i­tal con­tent pro­duc­tion, mul­ti-chan­nel pub­lish­ing, dis­tri­b­u­tion, archiv­ing and ma­te­r­i­al main­te­nance. In this way, you get the best pos­si­ble pow­er for uti­liz­ing all dig­i­tal as­sets in dif­fer­ent pub­lish­ing chan­nels.

Any­graaf of­fers an ac­cess ser­vice for your dig­i­tal as­sets, where all dig­i­tal ma­te­ri­als and in­for­ma­tion re­main un­der your con­trol through­out the en­tire life cy­cle of your brands, in all their phas­es. You can eas­i­ly up­load your ma­te­ri­als to the ser­vice and search, find, ed­it, share and archive them. You get all of this in one, safe, high-us­abil­i­ty Finnish SaaS ser­vice, where all ma­te­ri­als can be eas­i­ly found in one ser­vice.