Networking of organizations, secure sharing of digital content, user rights, version control, brands, electronic transaction requirements, EU legislation, standards, norms, recommendations, business strategies, general development trends and life cycle management of all digital documents bring challenges to the management of all digital assets.

Anygraaf's eNeoDAM is the solution to this ever-increasing challenge

With the browser-based eNeoDAM, you maintain the material in a controlled, correct format and you can use it online, mobile, print and social media channels quickly, easily and anywhere, regardless of location. This is how you make the materials interesting and personalized for different target groups.

eNeoDAM is an effective way to store, store, search and share all digital material, such as images, advertising materials, meta and product information, documents and video and audio files.

Any digital material can be stored in the system, as well as metadata and product information related to the materials. The use of the service is not limited by technology, devices or users' location.

eNeoDAM Image and media bank is also a work tool that allows you to easily share image files when your channel is, for example, social media. If you wish, you can also integrate the images into other systems, for example your company's online store.

Application system

Versatile and efficient indexing and the search system bring the materials you need to your use in an instant, whether the search criteria is metadata, file name, product information or, for example, image metadata. The search system knows the Finnish language from inflections to compound words. Preview images are created automatically from saved materials, which helps browsing large amounts of files. The system also manages and distributes collections naturally.

As part of the publishing system

In addition to the traditional independent media and image bank, eNeoDAM can be seamlessly connected to Neo's comprehensive digital content production, multi-channel publishing, distribution, archiving and material maintenance. In this way, you get the best possible power for utilizing all digital assets in different publishing channels.

Anygraaf offers an access service for your digital assets, where all digital materials and information remain under your control throughout the entire life cycle of your brands, in all their phases. You can easily upload your materials to the service and search, find, edit, share and archive them. You get all of this in one, safe, high-usability Finnish SaaS service, where all materials can be easily found in one service.