"Per­fect main rea­son to get Any­graaf´s Aprof­it was that now-a-days part of our Group is Lehtiy­htymä which has been work­ing to­geth­er with Any­graaf for long time con­cern­ing AProf­it which sup­port pack­age sales of ads in whole Group. With this one very com­pre­hen­sive in­te­grat­ed ad­ver­tis­ing sys­tem, we aim to serve our cus­tomers bet­ter than ever. Sys­tem en­ables a new kind of way to act, so we can pay bet­ter at­ten­tion to our cus­tomers, when all pa­pers cus­tomers can be man­aged from a sin­gle con­ver­gent data­base." , says Keskisuo­ma­lainen Groups Sales Di­rec­tor Erk­ki Sum­ma­nen .

"For Any­graaf this is very sig­nif­i­cant deal. Keskisuo­ma­lainen Groups al­to­geth­er with Lehtiy­htymäs cus­tomer data­base is def­i­nite­ly the biggest in Fin­land. Group's cur­rent scope and chal­lenges that scope brings will help fur­ther on al­so to the fur­ther de­vel­op­ment of AProf­it," says Han­nu In­berg, Any­graafs CEO.


News­pa­per Keskisuo­ma­lainen is Fin­land's fifth-largest news­pa­per and Cen­tral Fin­land's lead­ing me­dia. Keskisuo­ma­lainen reach­es with print­ed pa­per and elec­tron­ic ver­sions about 262,000 read­ers. Keskisuo­ma­lainen is Fin­land's old­est news­pa­per pub­lished in finnish lan­guage.

News­pa­per is part of Keskisuo­ma­lainen Group which is one of the largest pub­lish­ing groups in Fin­land; 24 news­pa­pers and lo­cal pa­pers, 19 city jour­nals, 7 cus­tomer mag­a­zines, 5 spe­cial mag­a­zines, 5 oth­er pa­pers and 29 web sites/por­tals. Keskisuo­ma­lainen Group have 1400 em­ploy­ees, in­clud­ing 300 jour­nal­ists.

About Keskisuo­ma­lainen Group


(on­ly in finnish)

For more in­for­ma­tion

Sales Di­rec­tor Erk­ki Sum­ma­nen, Keskisuo­ma­lainen Oyj, erk­ki.sum­ma­nen @ keskisuo­ma­lainen.fi

CEO Han­nu In­berg, Any­graaf Oy, Tel. +358 424 2217 400, han­nu.in­berg @ any­graaf.fi