Fi­nansavisen need­ed a new and in­te­grat­ed sys­tem so­lu­tion to sat­is­fy the in­creas­ing de­mands for more flex­i­ble con­tent pub­lish­ing.

”It is im­por­tant for us to gath­er as many func­tions as pos­si­ble to a sin­gle sys­tem. We want to use our re­sources for pro­duc­ing high-qual­i­ty con­tents, not for main­tain­ing tech­ni­cal sys­tems. We chose Any­graaf as they are able to of­fer us a com­plete so­lu­tion, and as it is easy to fit Neo with our hopes and needs”, says Roger Knud­sen, IT Man­ag­er of Fi­nansavisen.

Fi­nansavisen is part of Heg­nar Me­dia that pub­lish­es Nor­way’s lead­ing busi­ness mag­a­zine, Kap­i­tal, as well as a dozen oth­er pub­li­ca­tions.

Trygve Heg­nar found­ed Fi­nansavisen in 1992. It is a na­tion­wide pa­per pub­lished six days a week with a cir­cu­la­tion of 20 190 pcs (2016). Fi­nansavisen pub­lish­es al­so sev­en mag­a­zines that are dis­trib­uted to­geth­er with the dai­ly pa­per as sep­a­rate sup­ple­ments the biggest of which is Mo­tor, pub­lished every Sat­ur­day.

Fi­nansavisen fol­lows eco­nom­ics, stock ex­change and the econ­o­my in Nor­way and al­so pub­lish­es re­ports about hous­ing and re­al es­tates as well as in­ter­views and ar­ti­cles about spare time.

Any­graaf de­vel­ops soft­ware for the me­dia in­dus­try. Any­graaf has cus­tomers in ap­prox­i­mate­ly 20 coun­tries us­ing ed­i­to­r­i­al sys­tems, DAM so­lu­tions, cir­cu­la­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tems, and ad­ver­tis­ing sys­tems.

Neo by Any­graaf is a sys­tem for con­tent plan­ning and man­age­ment. It is an ex­cel­lent tool for plan­ning and ac­com­plish­ing ed­i­to­r­i­al work.

For more in­for­ma­tion:

Fi­nansavisen: Christo­pher Sandøy, desk man­ag­er/jour­nal­ist

Roger Knud­sen, IT man­ag­er

Any­graaf Ab: Os­car Yn­g­we, man­ag­ing di­rec­tor