Neo is not un­known to Fokus Me­dia, as Neo has been in use as an ex­ter­nal ser­vice for some of Fokus Me­dia’s mag­a­zines. In the near fu­ture, this new agree­ment ex­tends Neo mul­ti-chan­nel pub­lish­ing plat­form to be used in all of the mag­a­zines pub­lished by Fokus Me­dia.

The sys­tem will be host­ed from Any­graaf’s SaaS plat­form with di­rect con­nec­tions to Fokus Me­dia’s de­part­ments. Al­so, the pub­li­ca­tions’ net ser­vices are de­liv­ered to the In­ter­net from Any­graaf’s SaaS ser­vice.

The sched­ule for bring­ing Neo in­to pro­duc­tion is tight: first mag­a­zines will start to use Neo for mul­ti-chan­nel pub­lish­ing still dur­ing this year and the rest of the mag­a­zines will go live dur­ing spring 2018.

"In Fokus Me­dia it’s now time to uni­fy sep­a­rate pro­duc­tion sys­tems, and we have end­ed up choos­ing Neo and Any­graaf”, com­ments Tapani Pitzen, man­ag­ing di­rec­tor of Fokus Me­dia Fin­land Oy.

“High in our se­lec­tion cri­te­ria were mul­ti-chan­nel pub­lish­ing and dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing as well as re­lat­ed search en­gine op­ti­miza­tion and -mar­ket­ing. Fokus Me­dia and Any­graaf car­ried to­geth­er out the au­dit­ing of NeoDi­rect pub­lish­ing plat­form by a third par­ty. The re­sult of this au­dit was a strong proof that NeoDi­rect pub­lish­ing plat­form was suit­able to be a part of Fokus Me­dia’s dig­i­tal strat­e­gy.”

Fokus Me­dia

Fokus Me­dia Fin­land Oy is an ag­ile and en­tre­pre­neur­ial me­dia house that is com­plete­ly owned by its ac­tive man­age­ment. Fokus Me­dia was found­ed in 2014, and it’s fo­cused on pub­lish­ing hob­by and cus­tomer mag­a­zines as well as pro­duc­ing con­tent mar­ket­ing. Its pub­lish­ing chan­nels in­clude print, web and so­cial me­dia.

Fokus Me­dia pub­lish­es nine spe­cial mag­a­zines, makes con­tent plan­ning and takes care of pro­duc­ing pub­li­ca­tions for sev­er­al Finnish com­pa­nies. Fokus Me­dia em­ploys reg­u­lar­ly ap­prox­i­mate­ly 50 per­sons and a wide net­work of free­lance as­sis­tants.

Any­graaf Oy

Any­graaf is pub­lish­er’s strate­gic me­dia so­lu­tion part­ner and de­vel­ops soft­ware for the me­dia in­dus­try. Any­graaf of­fers more than 20 years of ex­pe­ri­ence pro­duc­ing so­lu­tions for the pub­lish­ing in­dus­tries.

Any­graaf’s sys­tem palette of­fers a com­pre­hen­sive so­lu­tion to gen­uine and prof­itable mul­ti-chan­nel pub­lish­ing. Due to its mod­u­lar ar­chi­tec­ture, the sys­tems can be im­ple­ment­ed phase by phase, or ac­cord­ing to need. To­geth­er with a cus­tomer, Any­graaf is search­ing for even bet­ter tools and modes of op­er­a­tion for de­vel­op­ing busi­ness. Many of Any­graaf’s de­vel­op­ment ideas orig­i­nate with the cus­tomers. Any­graaf’s long in­dus­try ex­pe­ri­ence en­ables Any­graaf to sup­port cus­tomers in all phas­es of their sys­tem’s life cy­cle. Any­graaf’s strat­e­gy is to re­main ag­ile and pre­cise while de­liv­er­ing quick prod­uct de­vel­op­ment near the cus­tomers.

In ad­di­tion to be­ing a do­mes­tic mar­ket leader, Any­graaf soft­ware is be­ing used by in­ter­na­tion­al pub­lish­ers in the Nordic coun­tries, in cen­tral Eu­rope, in the USA, in cen­tral Amer­i­ca and in In­dia.

For more in­for­ma­tion

Fokus Me­dia Fin­land Oy: Tapani Pitzen,

Any­graaf Oy: Mat­ti Natunen,