Nor­we­gian LO Me­dia re­news its e-mag­a­zine. The idea of the new de­vel­op­ment is to mod­ern­ize the read­ers' ex­pe­ri­ence and in­crease the use of the mag­a­zine.

The new de­vel­op­ment will im­prove the read­ing ex­pe­ri­ence for the e-news­pa­per, es­pe­cial­ly on mo­bile, com­pared to the tra­di­tion­al news­pa­per that looks like a PDF.

The new e-mag­a­zine sup­ports on­line ad­ver­tis­ing. It can al­so use pay­wall and push no­ti­fi­ca­tions.

In ad­di­tion, the e-news­pa­per pro­vides jour­nal­ists with more de­tailed in­for­ma­tion about how the e-news­pa­per is used, that is, how long the read­er reads the news­pa­per, which sto­ries he or she par­tic­u­lar­ly likes and on which de­vice he or she reads the news­pa­per.

"We can be proud of this new dig­i­tal mag­a­zine," de­vel­op­ment ed­i­tor Steinar Grøn­bekk says.

 The reader always sees where he is in the e-magazine, i.e. how many news articles have not yet been read.

The reader always sees where he is in the e-magazine, i.e. how many news articles have not yet been read.

The read­er al­ways sees where he is in the e-mag­a­zine, i.e. how many news ar­ti­cles have not yet been read.

For the read­er, the change is vis­i­ble di­rect­ly on the open­ing page of the e-mag­a­zine. In­stead of PDF pages, the read­er can read the news on­line and can fol­low the e-mag­a­zine's nav­i­ga­tion wher­ev­er they are in the mag­a­zine.

The num­ber of news ar­ti­cles is in­di­cat­ed by the cir­cles un­der the name of the de­part­ment. You can move from one sto­ry to an­oth­er by nav­i­gat­ing or swip­ing through the pages hor­i­zon­tal­ly, so the read­er can read the lat­est sto­ries in the mag­a­zine from ar­ti­cle to ar­ti­cle ef­fort­less­ly. At the same time, he or she con­stant­ly sees their progress.

The new development will improve the reading experience of the e-newspaper, especially on mobile, compared to the traditional newspaper that looks like a PDF.

The new development will improve the reading experience of the e-newspaper, especially on mobile, compared to the traditional newspaper that looks like a PDF.

LO Me­dia's e-mag­a­zine is im­ple­ment­ed with Any­graaf's NeoDi­rect. The news pages are pro­duced by the ed­i­to­r­i­al sys­tem Neo.

The new e-mag­a­zine is al­ready be­ing used at LO-Ak­tuel.

Af­ter the pi­lot project, a new e-news­pa­per will be in­tro­duced in all 15 LO Me­dia news­pa­pers. The LO Me­dia web­site has al­so been im­ple­ment­ed with NeoDi­rect. They pro­vide the user with the lat­est news be­tween the pub­li­ca­tion of an e-mag­a­zine and print­ed is­sues. You can find LO-Ak­tuel's web­site here. LO Me­dia is a foun­da­tion owned by LO and LO's 25 trade unions, which to­geth­er have 970,000 mem­bers. LO Me­dia pub­lish­es 15 pa­per mag­a­zines and 4 web pub­li­ca­tions on be­half of LO and trade unions in the pri­vate and state sec­tors. The pub­li­ca­tions are aimed at em­ploy­ees in every­thing from gov­ern­ment ad­min­is­tra­tion, uni­ver­si­ties, child­care and trans­port, to em­ploy­ees in trade, ser­vice, in­dus­try and en­er­gy. Fag­for­bun­det, which or­ga­nizes em­ploy­ees in the mu­nic­i­pal sec­tor, has an in­de­pen­dent ed­i­to­r­i­al of­fice that is­sues their pub­li­ca­tions, but they use LO Me­dia's ed­i­to­r­i­al sys­tem. LO Me­dia has a to­tal of 75 em­ploy­ees, of which ap­prox­i­mate­ly 65 are ed­i­to­r­i­al.

More in­for­ma­tion:

• Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor Os­car Yn­g­we, tel. +467 616 34233, os­car.yn­g­we (at) any­

• De­vel­op­ment ed­i­tor Steinar Grøn­bekk , LO Me­dia, steinar.gron­bekk@lo­me­, +47 481 51 775