The mag­a­zine has pre­vi­ous­ly used Any­graaf's ed­i­to­r­i­al sys­tem Neo and has now be­gun us­ing Any­graaf's AProf­it ad sys­tem for ad sales and book­ing. AProf­it has built-in CRM for the sales de­part­ment and book­ing for ads for both print and dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing. AProf­it al­so in­cludes billing bills and all re­port­ing.

For the ad man­age­ment Tid­nin­gen 7 us­es Neo. All in­ter­nal pro­duc­tion of ads is man­aged through Neo. In­com­ing ma­te­ri­als and proof­read­ing of ad pro­duc­tion are al­so han­dled in Neo.

In­stal­la­tion and train­ing per­formed in 2017. Since the turn of the year, pro­duc­tion in Neo and AProf­it is in full swing.

The mag­a­zine Tid­nin­gen 7 is a free news­pa­per that comes out once a week. The mag­a­zine cov­ers all house­holds and com­pa­nies in Örn­sköldsvik mu­nic­i­pal­i­ty. An av­er­age num­ber is read by 83 per cent of the in­hab­i­tants of Örn­sköldsvik. This makes Tid­nin­gen 7 the most wide­ly read news­pa­per in its spread area in Swe­den.

For more in­for­ma­tion:

CEO Os­car Yn­g­we, Any­graaf AB, os­car.yn­g­we [at] any­

CEO Ulf Ek­lund, Me­di­a­part­ner i Norr AB, ulf.ek­lund ][at]